Cecon Ultrasonic Rat Repeller is a highly effective compact solid state electronic equipment to eradicate Rat & Pest menace in Electronic Exchanges, Computer Rooms, Control Rooms etc. These rodents cause lots of maintenance problem by cutting and destroying wires of Communication & Transmission equipments, Expensive Electronic Machines and optical fibre cables resulting in disruption of vital communication systems. This rat menace also wastes lot of man power working time in repair, maintenance and restoration of damanged wiring system, which can now be easily avoided with our Ultraosnic Rat Repeller.
Model: US – 2000
Portable compact light weight equipment having solid state electronically controlled circuit which trigger our high pressure ultrasonic sound waves of 130 decibels and frequency at which these pests communicate. These high pressure sound waves attack auditory and nervous system of Rats as well as most common pests causing pain and intolerable discomfort to their brain and nervous system, which drives away Rats and pests from the area where the US-2000 is installed. These high intensity sound waves are out of range of human hearing of human and house hold pets, so use of this equipment is very safe in any area of application. Suitable for area upto 300 sq.ft.
Model: US – 2000 D.S.
Is a combination of Sonic & Ultrasonic sound waves and Air Ionizer. This complete unit not only eradicates rats but also remove floating dust contamination from air stream thereby serving dual purpose of Rat removal as well as prevent floating dust entering Exchange/Switch room area. Specially designed for telecommunication department, computer Rooms, Control Rooms, O.T. Rooms etc. Suitable for area upto 300 sq.ft.
Model: US – 2000 J
Compact Portable Unit with effective range upto 150 sq.ft.
Power Supply: 220 V – 230 V AC
Frequency Range: 24000 Hz to 50000 Hz (variable output)
Sound Pressure: 130 db
Power Consumption: 10 Watts
Anti Immunity Controller: Pre calibrated knob provided for preventing immunity to pre-selected sweet rate
48V D.C. Supply specially designed for telecommunication department (Optional).
⁕ Computer Room
⁕ Electronic Exchanges
⁕ Library
⁕ Record Room
⁕ Control Room
⁕ Food Storage & Processing Industries
⁕ Production Area
⁕ O.T. Rooms
⁕ Cold Storage
⁕ Godowns
⁕ R & D Labs
5 Kamta Near Surendra Nagar Gate,
Faizabad Road, Lucknow
Ph : +91-7704003051, 7704003054
Email : cleanair@cecon.in
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